For more information, please contact: [email protected]
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version


  • [NPSX-5244] - Al Yaum - Filters Display issue
  • [NPSX-5432] - News Module: Filters: Exclude Content: still displaying news containing excluded words
  • [NPSX-5439] - QR code
  • [NPSX-5449] - 2FA: Not working on Iphone
  • [NPSX-5463] - embeded images are not showing on WP
  • [NPSX-5470] - Manage Maquette: Edit Maquette (Pen Icon): duplicating pages
  • [NPSX-5478] - NP Update: Running showing error on step 6
  • [NPSX-5481] - Page Management: Load Page Plan: Taking time to load pages
  • [NPSX-5483] - Page Management: Add Pages after a specific page number: not working
  • [NPSX-5485] - Npressxtsyle text stripped
  • [NPSX-5492] - Garbage Collector: was not detecting and collecting news items
  • [NPSX-5494] - Manila times | the script is always sending the authors as deleted from newpress to api
  • [NPSX-5497] - Add/Edit Article: Add Author: Autocomplete: not loading authors
  • [NPSX-5500] - Add/Edit Article: Left Panel: News: Search not working
  • [NPSX-5502] - Page Management: Load Page Plan: Taking time to load pages
  • [NPSX-5503] - CLONE - Page Management: Load Page Plan: Taking time to load pages
  • [NPSX-5504] - Page Management: Actions: Delete Page and Delete Single Page actions: not showing merged pages as one entity
  • [NPSX-5506] - Author Payment Module | Articles Page - Remove Roles
  • [NPSX-5507] - Delete all static widget
  • [NPSX-5508] - Duplicate Widget in page layout
  • [NPSX-5515] - Stories & media : edit add article : font size is not being saved
  • [NPSX-5516] - Create Assignment: Placing Image and Caption only: keeps sending the page to indesign server
  • [NPSX-5517] - Templates: Left Panel: Scroll Bar Missing: not able to scroll to the remaining fields
  • [NPSX-5521] - Maintenance MGT (synchronize with date)
  • [NPSX-5522] - Title Relevance
  • [NPSX-5525] - Text Amendments | Page Status is showing in Image Caption without mouse Hovering
  • [NPSX-5529] - Graphic Request
  • [NPSX-5533] - Stories & media : main page : user is creating articles from + button although he doesnt have permission
  • [NPSX-5540] - News Module: News Display when preview pane closed: small screen: display issue
  • [NPSX-5545] - Left panel: news and archive
  • [NPSX-5551] - Multi-channel publishing: Text Fields: showing breaklines tags
  • [NPSX-5552] - Multi-channel publishing: CMS Channels: autocomplete fields not showing content
  • [NPSX-5562] - Images price is not reflected on the article page after sync
  • [NPSX-5564] - Two clicks page tracker drop-down
  • [NPSX-5565] - Backslash added before quotes
  • [NPSX-5574] - Page tracker auto refresh issue
  • [NPSX-5575] - Page number refresh ciner not updated
  • [NPSX-5581] - Add/Edit Article: Caption Field: breaklines are converted to <br> when executing macros scripts


  • [NPSX-5353] - Delete Assignment (reset flag)
  • [NPSX-5466] - photo builder notes
  • [NPSX-5477] - Author Payment Module: Dashboard: Bonus dropdowns: add value 0
  • [NPSX-5479] - News Module: News Filter: Remove Category section, it is not used anymore
  • [NPSX-5493] - Madina: Switch NP to Crypt mode instead of Plain mode
  • [NPSX-5495] - log username in article log (maintenance mgt)
  • [NPSX-5496] - Author Payment Module | remove Budget related function
  • [NPSX-5498] - Author Payment Module | Bank Info - Remove mandatory field
  • [NPSX-5499] - Author Payment Module | error when saving author
  • [NPSX-5509] - SCMP | Mark a flag for Stories in page tracker & Publish windows
  • [NPSX-5510] - SCMP | Provide a function that could erase the synced copy.
  • [NPSX-5513] - Add Config: enable_plan_revisions
  • [NPSX-5514] - Plan Revision: to store the revision after a bulk of actions is applied
  • [NPSX-5518] - Retrieving from canvas (summary field)
  • [NPSX-5519] - SCMP Extractor "apostrophe"
  • [NPSX-5523] - Reset Assignment flag
  • [NPSX-5530] - Macros Manager: Second batch of enhancements o fully support Regular Expressions and back reference match groups
  • [NPSX-5534] - Multi channel publishing
  • [NPSX-5539] - Article Check-in Reset getting Synced
  • [NPSX-5541] - New Variable for boards
  • [NPSX-5543] - Summary field with break line (convert from canvas)
  • [NPSX-5547] - Search From Canvas select all button behavior
  • [NPSX-5553] - Multi-channel publishing: keep popup open on Save
  • [NPSX-5554] - Add a Pop-up to click "Send to Claro" when user tries to close the window
  • [NPSX-5555] - Integration with Claro
  • [NPSX-5556] - Process Image with Claro
  • [NPSX-5557] - Display in Recent Images which Channel was chosen for Claro
  • [NPSX-5561] - Maroc Soir | Ads Booking - Search Ads
  • [NPSX-5579] - Page tracker auto refresh: to preserve the scroll position
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version


  • [NPSX-4557] - Add to app lang phrases to be added in roles management
  • [NPSX-5017] - Ipad version : production : paperless : free drawing tool : drawing marks are not being saved
  • [NPSX-5329] - Page Management: Ad Popup: Ad Preview: not showing
  • [NPSX-5344] - Dashboard: Use the ArticleDisplayData function in the dashboard
  • [NPSX-5354] - Epaper Version | Article detail in Epaper is showing the deleted subtitle Article.
  • [NPSX-5358] - CMS Widget Style: creating a new idget style with locked option
  • [NPSX-5361] - Dynamic HTML Widget
  • [NPSX-5362] - Default Web page
  • [NPSX-5363] - Delete all, static widget
  • [NPSX-5370] - hard break become soft break (text with notes)
  • [NPSX-5377] - Issue when swapping between 2 Widget types
  • [NPSX-5379] - Deleting pages with static widgets
  • [NPSX-5395] - Brand Management Checkbox
  • [NPSX-5396] - Conversion time 2121
  • [NPSX-5404] - Sort By relevance
  • [NPSX-5406] - Page Tracker: Wrong Ad Positions: ads are placed outside the page
  • [NPSX-5416] - the summary refresh function is not working
  • [NPSX-5418] - CKeditor turkish charaters issue
  • [NPSX-5420] - CLONE - Brand Management Checkbox
  • [NPSX-5421] - Google Chrome Tab now closed
  • [NPSX-5428] - News: Sphinx indexing: errors on indexing
  • [NPSX-5434] - Page Management: Indesign Server (Reload Changes): Double Pages: one page is reserved while the other is not
  • [NPSX-5435] - Adding images article left panel
  • [NPSX-5436] - photos in text body problem
  • [NPSX-5437] - Article Log, Username
  • [NPSX-5438] - Quotes are not maintained reference NPSX-4052
  • [NPSX-5445] - Smart Network Issue: () in image caption
  • [NPSX-5475] - Not all boxes are refreshed before assignment creation


  • [NPSX-3148] - Add button clickable+ toast message
  • [NPSX-3833] - temp folders not being deleted
  • [NPSX-4313] - Merge Authors Module: Add a button to access the module from Authors Management
  • [NPSX-4314] - Merge Authors: the page should have NP header and footer of an administration page
  • [NPSX-4315] - Merge Authors Module: Design Enhancements
  • [NPSX-4316] - Merge Authors: Add the labels to app lang
  • [NPSX-4317] - Merge Authors: New Author Text Field: should have the same validation conditions when typing down an author name
  • [NPSX-4945] - Refresh article twice
  • [NPSX-4983] - CLONE - Customization for Graphic Request: we need to enable this feature on the Normal Page Tracker also
  • [NPSX-5083] - InCopy Checkin send doc to indesign server config
  • [NPSX-5182] - Page Maquette frozen
  • [NPSX-5235] - Tasks/Events: When Assigning a task or an event to a user: email template should be sent
  • [NPSX-5269] - CMS photo builder module - save as template
  • [NPSX-5326] - Function to display articles
  • [NPSX-5331] - Convert from canvas: support notes
  • [NPSX-5334] - Dashboard authors published as Table
  • [NPSX-5341] - Photo builder: Add logs when creating/editing images in this module
  • [NPSX-5346] - Manila Bulletin - smart Network setup : Embedded Images ID issue
  • [NPSX-5349] - InDesign Notes + Spacing in InDesign + Sync Back
  • [NPSX-5350] - Merge authors behaviour
  • [NPSX-5351] - Deactivate Authors
  • [NPSX-5352] - TV Programs: Subsections: add image from browse
  • [NPSX-5355] - Refresh from canvas {{notes}}
  • [NPSX-5356] - Article Status change color thumbnail
  • [NPSX-5359] - Special Character DnD
  • [NPSX-5364] - NP6 Login Page: Config: to choose between the old NP6 login and the new one
  • [NPSX-5365] - VOD Platform Feature - Continues on the core functions (no interface)
  • [NPSX-5368] - NP core module implementation
  • [NPSX-5378] - VOD Platform Feature - Continues on the core functions (no interface) - V2
  • [NPSX-5382] - News Module: Image views: add the date and time on all views
  • [NPSX-5384] - summary needs to be updated on every refresh from canvas
  • [NPSX-5385] - Add file extension
  • [NPSX-5390] - Create the DB structure
  • [NPSX-5391] - Content types privileges
  • [NPSX-5392] - Content types admin pages
  • [NPSX-5393] - Add/Edit content type
  • [NPSX-5394] - Manage field values
  • [NPSX-5398] - Sync AD: Need to sync AD across multiple AD hosts
  • [NPSX-5399] - Media Manager Design
  • [NPSX-5400] - Images sent to Claro: Small size
  • [NPSX-5408] - VOD notes by JM
  • [NPSX-5417] - Replace License Expiry message
  • [NPSX-5429] - VOD module | Part two
  • [NPSX-5430] - Jump stories support for SCMP
  • [NPSX-5431] - Media Manager Design - Notes after meeting with Anas
  • [NPSX-5441] - Form Generation Widget
  • [NPSX-5443] - VOD notes
  • [NPSX-5444] - Media Manager notes
  • [NPSX-5451] - paperless annotations: to define articles placements
  • [NPSX-5453] - Authors Module | Types of Payment
  • [NPSX-5455] - Authors Module | multiple authors
  • [NPSX-5456] - Author Module | Dashboard Results
  • [NPSX-5457] - Author Module | role permission
  • [NPSX-5458] - Author Module | Export Authors details info
  • [NPSX-5459] - Author Module | Bonus and Deduction
  • [NPSX-5460] - Author Module | Payroll Report
  • [NPSX-5461] - Author Module | Permissions for lock periods
  • [NPSX-5462] - Author Module | Paid articles
  • [NPSX-5465] - Author Payment Module | Create a third version of the module for Inquirer
  • [NPSX-5466] - photo builder notes
  • [NPSX-5467] - Media gallery notes
  • [NPSX-5468] - VOD module notes
  • [NPSX-5469] - Manila Bulletin : Sync from cloud NP to local NP : We need to sync article_date table as well
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version


  • [NPSX-5259] - Page Monitoring: Page Thumbnails: Ads boxes are not displayed accurately
  • [NPSX-5282] - News Module: Images: corrupted caption text
  • [NPSX-5311] - Macros: Replace Text: Add/Edit Article: single quote ' is changed to \'
  • [NPSX-5315] - Telegram issues
  • [NPSX-5322] - Page Status notification change
  • [NPSX-5323] - Add/Edit Article: Left Panel: News: Showing empty list on specific images
  • [NPSX-5325] - Add/Edit Article: Duplicate: replacing single-quotes ' and double quotes " with '\ or "\
  • [NPSX-5339] - CLONE - NewsPress Rule Issue


  • [NPSX-5254] - Automatic Field Mapping
  • [NPSX-5267] - Ads booking : Import ad booking module : show all the ad fields in the mapping drop down list
  • [NPSX-5271] - CMS photo builder - Edit images
  • [NPSX-5295] - NP6 Update: settings.php: add ('PHP7MODE',1): on update
  • [NPSX-5296] - Canvas Page order display
  • [NPSX-5297] - Ready for print label (page tracker)
  • [NPSX-5298] - notification parameter
  • [NPSX-5299] - Section selection number
  • [NPSX-5301] - Fratmat : Ads Import module : notify the user if the csv file is imported or not
  • [NPSX-5303] - photo builder fixes
  • [NPSX-5305] - Create the dashboard skeleton
  • [NPSX-5306] - Dashboard access
  • [NPSX-5308] - Telegram issues:
  • [NPSX-5310] - Sync plain text article from indesign, fix the response
  • [NPSX-5312] - Sync article from InDesign Plug-in
  • [NPSX-5313] - renaming icml (box deletion)
  • [NPSX-5316] - Add profile picture for authors
  • [NPSX-5330] - ICML notes: fix the spaces
  • [NPSX-5331] - Convert from canvas: support notes
  • [NPSX-5333] - indesign: support notes
  • [NPSX-5334] - Dashboard authors published as Table
  • [NPSX-5337] - Manila Bulletin - smart Network setup : Client requested to send the article to the local NP setup even if the page number is 0
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version


  • [NPSX-1850] - Text Amendment: Ability to revert back to a previous version of the story
  • [NPSX-5074] - Reload changes: add it as an option in the pages actions dropdown
  • [NPSX-5198] - Sync email from Active Directory
  • [NPSX-5251] - Implement InDesign notes
  • [NPSX-5262] - Story Bookmark issue date
  • [NPSX-5264] - Implement telegram web in article left panel, and convert text
  • [NPSX-5266] - Sync article from indesign, sync plain text directly in articles table
  • [NPSX-5267] - Ads booking : Import ad booking module : show all the ad fields in the mapping drop down list
  • [NPSX-5270] - CMS photo builder - Save the output
  • [NPSX-5272] - CMS photo builder - implement in NewsPublish
  • [NPSX-5273] - CMS photo builder - Canvas size to be dropdown instead of icons
  • [NPSX-5278] - Implement telegram web in article left panel, and convert media
  • [NPSX-5279] - CLONE - Story Bookmark issue date
  • [NPSX-5280] - Enhance Claro job panel
  • [NPSX-5281] - Chage image cms category from story page level
  • [NPSX-5288] - Delete a box in indesign should rename its linked assignment file
  • [NPSX-5289] - Load article images in photo builder
  • [NPSX-5292] - Events scheduler indexes
  • [NPSX-5294] - Enahnce Login Page
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version


  • [NPSX-5063] - CMS story : Drupal Type "Opinion article" : Drupal fields not working properly
  • [NPSX-5065] - CMS story : Drupal Type "supplements or ملحق" : Drupal fields not working properly
  • [NPSX-5166] - searching story from Canvas
  • [NPSX-5233] - Web Article being cancelled by script and not showing in log
  • [NPSX-5237] - Article creation from mobile removing paragraph spacing
  • [NPSX-5239] - Add/Edit Article: Replace Text: Removing backslashes
  • [NPSX-5246] - Issue with Merging Pages
  • [NPSX-5258] - Collab Presets admin page
  • [NPSX-5260] - Page Status Issue
  • [NPSX-5263] - Page Editor "<" Symbol


  • [NPSX-5102] - Ads Module: New Page for importing ads
  • [NPSX-5205] - CLONE - CLONE - Stories and Media: if no default filter, show 0 results
  • [NPSX-5235] - Tasks/Events: When Assigning a task or an event to a user: email template should be sent
  • [NPSX-5242] - Admin Panel: Claro Jobs Page
  • [NPSX-5247] - Create Backend for image builder styles
  • [NPSX-5250] - DND image: Do not include image caption
  • [NPSX-5253] - FratMat: Ads Import Module: Remove the delimiter drop down list: semicolon is the separator by default
  • [NPSX-5255] - FratMat: Ads Import Module: Allowed Extensions: Only CSV
  • [NPSX-5256] - FratMat: Ads Import Module: Should not import CVS files if it the file has more/less than 23 fields (Columns)
  • [NPSX-5257] - Ads Import Feature: config: to differentiate between the feature of FratMat and The Villages
  • [NPSX-5261] - Refresh from ciner: Do not take into consideration the first TA record (meant for comparison)
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version


  • [NPSX-4522] - NewsPublish: Update: dbsqlupdate-010629_010630.sql: showing error
  • [NPSX-5096] - Paperless text amendment special character
  • [NPSX-5117] - Input stripped off (recent images)
  • [NPSX-5124] - Administration : screens management : Screen with client logo is not working properly
  • [NPSX-5129] - News module : Header menu : not always sticky on scroll
  • [NPSX-5132] - Event: Create Article: Save action: closing the article's page
  • [NPSX-5133] - CLONE - Event: Create Article: Save action: closing the article's page
  • [NPSX-5135] - Extractor - published_caption
  • [NPSX-5147] - Stories and Media | The Number of Articles and Words not updating automatically
  • [NPSX-5149] - Page Editor: Text Amendments: Arabic Interface: Display issue
  • [NPSX-5150] - CLONE - Extractor - published_caption
  • [NPSX-5151] - Add/Edit Article: Save Action: Removing backslashes "\" from the article
  • [NPSX-5160] - Stories & media : main page : article list view : title design issue
  • [NPSX-5163] - Config csrfp_enabled: when set to 1: login does not work
  • [NPSX-5165] - Media Connector: Error Server not Found
  • [NPSX-5166] - searching story from Canvas
  • [NPSX-5168] - Import Macros: Not Working: Showing Errors
  • [NPSX-5169] - CLONE - Import Macros: Not Working: Showing Errors
  • [NPSX-5190] - Add/Edit Article: CMS Story: CK Editor Enabled: Backslash is removed on save action
  • [NPSX-5192] - News Module: Converting images: not adding the image source when choosing a text item with images
  • [NPSX-5194] - Bookmark page plan - Manage Maquette
  • [NPSX-5199] - Page Management: Actions: All Actions are showing Bad Selection when applying it
  • [NPSX-5202] - Add wire image from article view not clickable
  • [NPSX-5204] - Add/Edit Article: Relink unlinked image: not working
  • [NPSX-5209] - Macros Manager: error in splitting csv content
  • [NPSX-5211] - Ads booking : Ad detailed view : click on the loop icon : blank page will display
  • [NPSX-5219] - Text Box Disappear with ">" symbol (page editor)
  • [NPSX-5220] - PW (PDF thumbnail view)
  • [NPSX-5221] - Subtitle getting data from other articles when refreshing multiple articles
  • [NPSX-5225] - changing image status
  • [NPSX-5226] - delete images
  • [NPSX-5232] - CLONE - Custom Field same XML name not published


  • [NPSX-5033] - Delete manager: changes in the related images deletion
  • [NPSX-5046] - DND: Should not flag article as "assignment created"
  • [NPSX-5071] - Split PDF not working from maintenance
  • [NPSX-5074] - Reload changes: add it as an option in the pages actions dropdown
  • [NPSX-5102] - Ads Module: New Page for importing ads
  • [NPSX-5106] - Canvas Wire Search (stories and images)
  • [NPSX-5116] - Split pages naming convention
  • [NPSX-5118] - Page Management: Mid Plan Red Boxes
  • [NPSX-5120] - Full admin logs
  • [NPSX-5122] - Image category at the level of the article with backend, to be sent to CMS
  • [NPSX-5123] - Stories and media : edit add article : Re-enable again the sub article option in the article body
  • [NPSX-5125] - Free images module enhancements
  • [NPSX-5127] - Create the admin page for the predefined sizes
  • [NPSX-5131] - Stories & media : Main page : default section assigned in user profile is being set by default on the main page
  • [NPSX-5134] - Event Page: Related Articles List: show article popup when clicking on the article name field
  • [NPSX-5138] - Recent images, "reserve for Claro": Reset the "retouched" flag
  • [NPSX-5139] - Newspress | Missing FCK editor features
  • [NPSX-5146] - DTP: Do not send more than one document per instance
  • [NPSX-5148] - Sending document to IDS from script is not working
  • [NPSX-5158] - Extractor manager: PDF compression for SCMP
  • [NPSX-5159] - Paperless module : Free drawing : save button is disappearing
  • [NPSX-5170] - Config keep_page_reserved_on_status_change: default value on update to be 0 instead of 1
  • [NPSX-5171] - CLONE - Ads Module: New Page for importing ads
  • [NPSX-5181] - CLONE - Pre-filled values dynamic field not saved
  • [NPSX-5184] - Refresh boxes: not allowed after 0 minutes after document is checked in
  • [NPSX-5185] - Ads Module: New Page for importing ads V2
  • [NPSX-5186] - Support the command checkInDocumentStart in ciner
  • [NPSX-5188] - Smart page layout prototype
  • [NPSX-5189] - Support of chinese display
  • [NPSX-5191] - Adding User from incopy in article log
  • [NPSX-5195] - Convert from canvas: Create a revision for the article
  • [NPSX-5196] - Extractor Enhacements SCMP Template
  • [NPSX-5201] - wrong caption in converting wire image.
  • [NPSX-5203] - Ads module : importing Ads enhacements for Fratmat
  • [NPSX-5206] - permission in ads module
  • [NPSX-5210] - Add/edit article: Related articles in body: ability to add multiple with title
  • [NPSX-5212] - New PI Pref: empty_ads_yellow_background
  • [NPSX-5214] - CLONE - Delete manager: changes in the related images deletion
  • [NPSX-5218] - Disable the 'select all' box in adding wire photo to story
  • [NPSX-5227] - Delete a box in indesign should delete its linked assignment file
  • [NPSX-5228] - add online images (thumbnail)
  • [NPSX-5230] - Wire Images Convert (wire image page)
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version


  • [NPSX-4871] - Mobile App: Article Page: Fields of type calendar: showing in text autocomplete format
  • [NPSX-4872] - Mobile App: Article Page: checkbox options are showing though the config is disabled
  • [NPSX-4873] - Mobile App: Arrow overlaying the burger menu
  • [NPSX-4893] - Social Media Sharing: Add a separate role permission
  • [NPSX-5005] - View article user not logged
  • [NPSX-5010] - DnD: truncating the text when the article has % sign in the text
  • [NPSX-5016] - Word Count not update (after synchronize)
  • [NPSX-5019] - Extractor maintenance missing dynamic fields
  • [NPSX-5022] - Extractor "Split Spread Pages" checkbox
  • [NPSX-5028] - Word Count story not matched
  • [NPSX-5034] - apostrophe adding backslash in page editor
  • [NPSX-5036] - Page Tracker auto refresh bouncing to the top
  • [NPSX-5037] - Dynamic fields SCMP gone after update
  • [NPSX-5039] - Recent Images: No Records found
  • [NPSX-5044] - Dynamic Fields Disappearing after page validation
  • [NPSX-5045] - Stories & media : Main Page : click on Print compact view action : Blank page will display
  • [NPSX-5047] - Image Information gone
  • [NPSX-5070] - Epaper Extractor issue
  • [NPSX-5089] - Add online images, (images mixed up)
  • [NPSX-5090] - Add/Edit Article: Replace Text: Adding extra space at the end of each paragraph
  • [NPSX-5092] - CLONE - Production : page management : merge 2 pages and assign a double template page : preview will be inverted
  • [NPSX-5094] - Page Production Report
  • [NPSX-5095] - Recent Images not all images appears
  • [NPSX-5099] - Article/Advanced Search: Creator multi-selection list: covered with the footer and no scroll bar is showing
  • [NPSX-5104] - Stories and Media: Filter Editing: Resetting current criteria (Public and Private Filters)
  • [NPSX-5105] - X and Y coordinates Extractor
  • [NPSX-5107] - Stories & media : edit add article : issue date is being removed on checkin
  • [NPSX-5109] - Administration : screens management : page links not working properly
  • [NPSX-5110] - Stories & media : Main page : click on any image to view its details : design issue
  • [NPSX-5113] - When we open indesign we are experiencing the following message "failed sending log user, server returned with http 500"


  • [NPSX-2058] - Reports: To have a report to display the number of images done by users using the checkout/checkin method
  • [NPSX-3147] - Loading icon
  • [NPSX-4215] - Macros Manager: to fully support Regular Expressions and back reference match groups
  • [NPSX-4391] - New Design for the login page
  • [NPSX-4462] - Demo setup : Ability to have multiple timezones for different setups on the same server
  • [NPSX-4582] - Export/Import CMS Publication: Exporting/Importing Widget styles is missing
  • [NPSX-4583] - Add Button to Update Modification Time to Publish on CMS
  • [NPSX-4629] - Page Management: Page Plan Actions: Restore Revision Action
  • [NPSX-4638] - Page Number article report
  • [NPSX-4860] - CMS Drop Down List Menu: CMS Widget Style and CMS Header Footer Scripts: do not have roles permissions
  • [NPSX-4874] - Graphic Request URL open if not logged in
  • [NPSX-4981] - Export the illustration pdf file by Extractor
  • [NPSX-4995] - Incopy icon checkin
  • [NPSX-5000] - Stories already labeled: "ready_for_print"
  • [NPSX-5007] - New Task/New Event: Place field: to be able to handle breaklines
  • [NPSX-5012] - Graphic Request amend
  • [NPSX-5013] - Graphic Request "Or" remove field when switching
  • [NPSX-5015] - page_name variable (extractor)
  • [NPSX-5018] - Page Tracker Version 2 icons change
  • [NPSX-5021] - Auto-refresh boxes InCopy
  • [NPSX-5025] - InCopy checkin - send to InDesign server
  • [NPSX-5026] - Recent images: Add flag for retouched images
  • [NPSX-5027] - Recent images: Show the last image comment
  • [NPSX-5031] - CLONE - Demo setup : Ability to have multiple timezones for different setups on the same server
  • [NPSX-5033] - Delete manager: changes in the related images deletion
  • [NPSX-5035] - Extractor xml - soft break (SCMP template)
  • [NPSX-5040] - When sending an image to Claro, include the last comment
  • [NPSX-5043] - Extractor: Split pdf enhance quality
  • [NPSX-5046] - DND: Should not flag article as "assignment created"
  • [NPSX-5049] - Page number label adjust
  • [NPSX-5054] - Stories and media : Main page : design issue
  • [NPSX-5055] - Integration with Canvas - Different API path for stories source platform
  • [NPSX-5057] - SMCP extractor template amendment
  • [NPSX-5058] - Canvas article page NP status
  • [NPSX-5059] - Canvas Story page display story status
  • [NPSX-5071] - Split PDF not working from maintenance
  • [NPSX-5072] - php.ini (auto_append_file): to be able to handle more than one setup on the server
  • [NPSX-5074] - Reload changes: add it as an option in the pages actions dropdown
  • [NPSX-5075] - Duplicate multiple articles: Buttons positions
  • [NPSX-5076] - Settings: Remove LTD and Kurdish
  • [NPSX-5077] - Send document to IDS enhancements
  • [NPSX-5081] - Article PDF extractor extension name wrong
  • [NPSX-5087] - Ads booking : color field : add new option called "Two color"
  • [NPSX-5088] - Copy IPTC image data into NewsPublish
  • [NPSX-5091] - Soft Return DnD to InDesign
  • [NPSX-5100] - IPTC image ID
  • [NPSX-5101] - Dynamic fields ( to be grouped and synced back)
  • [NPSX-5102] - Ads Module: New Page for importing ads
  • [NPSX-5106] - Canvas Wire Search (stories and images)
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config full_text_search is added. If set to 1, a new logic of stories text search will be enabled (this requires MySQL 5.7+) and will enhance the response time of search results. If set to 0, this new logic will be disabled.
  • In Publication Manager, two features are added to a publication:
    • Support Indesign Server: If this is enabled, then Reload Changes button will show in Paperless Module.
    • Auto Assignment Generate: If this is enabled, then assignments will automatically get generated from indesign. This also depends on the .ini file value of Ready for Print flag.
  • Config sort_by_flag_in_pw is added. If set to 1, the feature of sorting stories in Publish Window based on story flags will get enabled. If set to 0, this feature will get disabled.
  • When we archive stories with original or linked images, these images will not get deleted anymore, they get flagged as archived only.
  • Option Use Simple Quotes is added to the extractor under Articles category. If it is enabled then upon extracting XMLs all special quotes will be converted to simple quotes.
  • In Bulk Users Management page, a new value Exact All Words is added under Default News Search Criteria.
  • Delete button is added in PI Pref admin page, in order to delete PI Pref presets.
  • In Publication Manager, when duplicating a publication, you will be able now to duplicate the values of the following fields:
    • Sections
    • Users permissions on sections
    • NPressXT presets
    • Document size presets
    • Allowed article statuses
    • Allowed page statuses
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Users who duplicated a story will have their names displayed in the story logs.
  • In the Publication Manager, a checkbox Support InDesign Server is added to enable/disable Reload Changes button on Paperless module.
  • In PI Pref, you are now able to create multiple PI Pref presets to be used on Indesign or InCopy, hence you are allowed to customise multiple presets. In order to do so:
    • Go to Administration → Configuration and Settings → PI Pref
    • Click on Add PI Preset
    • Add the preset name and the platform
    • Press Add
    • Configure the preset and press Submit
    • You will have a URL generated which you can use on Indesign or Incopy or you can use the default URLs used before
  • A Delete Maintenance is added to delete notifications.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Pages roles permissions will now affect Advanced Page Plan. Therefore, if you have Advanced Page Plan enabled, then you can control the permissions using Pages Permissions.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • A Graphic Request feature is added in Page Tracker, where you can send an email from inside NewsPublish asking for a graphic on a story. This feature is enabled on Page Tracker version 2 (page_tracker_version = 2). Under the story actions drop down list, you will have Graphic Request option:
    • Choose this option and a popup window will open where you can choose a user (under one condition, the user’s email must be added in his profile) or key-in the email manually.
    • Fill in the other details and press the send button.
    • The user will receive an email with the story and graphic details.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Publish Window will now show the user reserving an image.
  • Parameter article_name is added under Allowed Message Variables in Thirdparty Integration Config. This variable will display the story name.
  • Config page_tracker_version is added. If set to 1, it will open version 1 of page tracker. If set to 2, it will open version 2 of page tracker.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • In the News Module and News Left Panel in Story Editor, a checkbox Search in Headline is added. If checked, then the search will be applied on headlines only.
  • A new News Module search criterion Exact AND where it searches for the exact all words mentioned in the search. E.g.: if a user is searching for word1 word2, then the results will show phrases that have exactly word1 and word2.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • A new parameter %P% added in the extractor. It will add the three digits of the page number, e.g.: 001, 058 or 125
  • In Users Bulk Management, parameter Notifications Channel is added to bulk add it for users.
  • In User Profile, the user will be able to add notification channels.
  • Parameter notification_channel is added to Third Party Integration Config parameters.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config generate_thumb_based_on_article_status_color is added. If set to 1, then the page thumbnail will have a layer over each story and this layer will be coloured based on the story status colour. If set to 0, the page thumbnail will not have this layer added.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • PI Pref Apply Next Style Of Firstpara is added. This feature will enable/disable applying the next style on InDesign.
  • The Archive Left Panel in the Story Editor will now show the images in high resolution.
  • You can now assign a template to a CMS Page even after the page is created. Hence, you can create an empty page or delete all the widgets from an existing page, then reassign a template to it.
  • Under the Sections Management page, when you add a new subsection, there is a new field “Description” where you can add a text in this field.
  • New parameters are added under Third Party Integration Config, where you can build notification messages:
    • A_PN: works on changing story page number
    • A_FL: works on changing story flag
  • Config color_annotation_by_page_status is added. If set to 1, colour the annotation with the page status colour. If set to 0, colour the annotation with the default blue colour.
    • If a user adds an annotation when there is no status assigned on the page, colour the annotation bubble with the default blue colour that we use.
    • If a user adds an annotation when page status is Status A, colour the annotation bubble with Green colour.
    • If a user adds an annotation when page status is Status B, colour the annotation bubble with Orange colour.
  • When creating a new page plan/maquette, the user will be able now to assign this plan to multiple publications.
  • CMS Widget of type Most Read has now the option to set the date limit that should show the most read stories.
  • CMS Widget of type Most Read has now the option to select sections and subsections.
  • CMS Widget of type Most Read has now the option to set a limit of the number of stories that should be displayed.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • A notification system is now implemented in NewsPublish.
    • First of all, you have to add channels by applying the following steps:
      • Go to Administration → Notifications and Logs → Notifications Channels
      • Add channels by clicking on (+) icon
      • Press Save
      • Channels will be added and the ID will be generated
    • Then build the messages and notifications needed and link them to channels by doing the following:
      • Go to Administration → Notifications and Logs → Third Party Integration Config
      • Build the channels using the correct parameters and variables (The same variables and parameters used for Slack Integration)
      • Use notification_channel parameter to define the channel ID
    • After adding the messages, you can now enable channels for each user from the User Profile. Hence, the user will get notified based on the channels chosen.
  • You can now duplicate a page plan/page maquette from one publication to another.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • InCopy is now fully supported in NewsPublish.
  • A new overflow text feature is now added to NP InDesign and InCopy plugin. In order to activate/deactivate this feature, a new PI Pref is added for this purpose.
  • You have the ability now to save a page plan with the page names added for each. When choosing Save as Page Plan, a checkbox Save Page Name is added to choose whether to copy the page names or not.
  • Page Name is now displayed in Page Tracker.
  • If permission Compare Text Amendment is given to a role, all users under this role will have access to compare text amendments regardless if they have access to Text Amendments or not.
  • Default Home Page for Mobile Version is added to User Profile.
  • Image ID is now displayed under the image thumbnail in the Recent Images/Media Gallery page.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • In CMS/Digital Archive Articles Management module, the user is now able to:
    • Search for an old web story using the full permalink
    • Enable/Disable a story instead of deleting it from the website.
    • A rich text editor is added on the body text field.
  • In PI Preference, a new application type “InCopy” is added, so the plugin will support InCopy.
  • A new role permission Set Page Name is added. It allows the user to add a page name from Page Monitoring.
  • A new role permission Change Page Number from Publish Window. It allows the user to change a story's page number from Publish Window.
  • A new role permission Change Flag from Publish Window. It allows the user to change a story's flag from Publish Window.
  • In CMS/Digital Page Layout, choosing sections and subsections and setting limits for a Static widget is now available.
  • We now support regular expressions and backreference match groups in replace text macros.
  • Config application_background_color. This config accepts colour hex values to change the background colour of NewsPublish.
  • A Newspress Rule is added to change the story status after creating its assignment from Indesign. Therefore, when a user creates an assignment for a story from Indesign, the status will change according to what is set in the Newspress rule.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • In Stories and Media, the first letter of the story flag will be displayed inside the flag circle icon.
  • When a user does any change in terms of stories, images, pages or ads, the refresh icon in Page Tracker will be coloured in red to notify the user that there is a change done.
  • In the Paperless module, you are now able to zoom in/out the page preview in Logs, Annotations and Text Amendments modules.
  • You can now embed related stories in the body. In order to embed the stories do the following:
    • Add related stories from inside the story editor using the Related Stories feature
    • After choosing the related stories, put the cursor where you want to embed the related stories
    • Go to the body’s toolbar and choose Related Articles
    • A code will be added in the body
  • In archive management, NewsPublish is now configurable to build and assemble your own folder structure for the archive (A7pro) by customising the path using a group of variables.
  • A new config search_subarticle is added. If set to 0, sub-articles sub-articles will not be searchable via quick search, advanced search and filters. if set to 1, sub-articles will be searchable using quick search, advanced search and filters.
  • Sort by relevance in the News Module is now added. You can set the sorting from the news module drop down list or you can add a filter using this sort type.
  • All changes applied and stories added from CMS/Digital Advanced Page Content will not get posted on the website unless the user presses on the Save button.
  • In the story editor, field Source is added for each media/image attached. This Source field will be filled automatically using the source value sent by the news agency in the image’s IPTC.
  • Config restrict_modify_annotation_article_to_creator is added. If set to 0, then all users will be able to modify an annotation if they have permission to change article from page status privileges. If set to 1, then users will be able to change article from annotation only if they are the creator of the annotation and have permission to change article from page status privileges.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Page Tracker design enhancements.
  • You are able now to edit an article from Page Tracker, by clicking on the pen icon to edit an article from the preview page.
  • A search field is added in Page Tracker for page 0. You are now able to search using the Story Name or Title/Headline to search for a story.
  • In Advanced Page Content, a new icon is added to each static widget, where the user can delete all the stories added under this widget.
  • Config apply_default_images_cropping is added. If set to 0, then when the user does not crop an image before publishing on the website, the image will be published without any focal point assigned on cropping sizes. If set to 1, then each image uploaded on the website, and is not cropped by the user, then the focal point will be added in the middle of the image and applied on all sizes.
  • Story views in Stories and Media will now show the multiple sections assigned to a story.
  • A new widget type Free Dynamic HTML Text is added to Page Layout. If selected, a text box will be available without the CK Editor.
  • You can now select a date range in Number of Images report.
  • A new centralised notification popup to notify users if there is any missing compulsory field before delivering a story. This popup will show after you press on Deliver/Check-in button to send a story in case one of the following values are not added or invalid:
    • Change the issue date in case the date is not the correct one
    • Similar articles available
    • Section is not selected from the sections list
    • Duplicated article name (in case this check is activated)
    • Images not cropped (in case this actions is set as compulsory)
    • Multiple sections are not selected (in case this action is set as compulsory)
    • Characters count has exceeded the limit (in case a limit is set)
    • In case a value is not selected for Brand Management
  • In case users try to deliver a story that has sub-stories related to it, the same centralised notification popup will give them the option to bulk apply the following options and values on all its related sub-stories:
    • Apply the story’s page number on all its sub-stories
    • Apply the story's section on all its sub-stories
    • Apply the story’s status on all its sub-stories
    • Apply the story’s issue date on all its sub-stories
  • You can now disallow copying media of specific extensions when duplicating stories. To activate this feature:
    • Go to Administration → Images → File Upload Extensions
    • You can allow/disallow extensions by using Forbid on Print or Forbid on CMS.
    • Hence, if you duplicate an story, the system will check if there is any disallowed file extension and it will not get copied to the new story
    • Integration with InCopy is now available where you can configure all the page workflow, page content editing and copy fitting using NewsPublish/InDesign/InCopy Integration.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • A new view, Publication Section is added to News Providers report. This view will show the number of items used from each provider based on Publication/Section criterion.
  • In News Providers report, under view Provider, column Total News will show the total number of news received from each provider.
  • A new report Publications Authors Report is added to generate the productivity of authors based on publications and statuses. You can also export the results into a CSV file.
  • In CMS Advanced Page Content, the user’s default story filter will get automatically selected when accessing the page, in case the default story filter is for a CMS/Digital publication and the publication selected in CMS Advanced Page Content is selected in the filter.
  • Config do_not_consider_language is added. If set to 0, the system will use the secondary text/translation on section, article status, image status, page status, publication and ads. If set to 1, the system will not use the secondary text/translation on section, article status, image status, page status, publication and ads.
  • Labels Default Web Publication and Default Web Page are added in User Profile. These are used to select the default values to be loaded automatically when accessing Advanced Page Content.
  • Type Line Separator is added under Article Categories page. This is used to add a line separator/breakline between fields. After creating this field, you have to assign its order to be between the ordering of two fields to separate them, each on a line in the story editor.
  • Creating New Story actions, is now a popup that shows a list of publications and a list of sections to choose from, in order to create a story. Hence, the popup that used to show the type of story is now removed since the user will be able to choose the publication beforehand.
  • Config enable_ckeditor_image_desc. If set to 0, CK Editor will be disabled from the Image Description field in the story editor. If set to 1, CK Editor will get enabled.
  • Image Source field is now added inside the story editor under each media file attached to the story.
  • A lock button is added to lock the row/column of a widget style. To use this button:
    • Go to CMS Admin → CMS Widget Style
    • Create a new widget style or edit an existing one
    • Set the row/column needed and press on Lock
    • Now if you edit a widget in Page Layout and select any locked widget style, fields column and row will be disabled from editing.
  • Config restrict_by_section_in_advanced_search is added. If set to 1, then the Advanced Search feature will get restricted based on the sections permissions that a user has. If set to 0, then it will work as usual, the Advanced Search will show stories regardless of the sections permissions.
  • A revamped thumbnail view for news filters that contains images. More images are now displayed in each row and if you hover over the information icon (i), you will see:
    • Date
    • Provider
    • Converted By
  • The archive action is now logged under story, image and page logs.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Add Pages After Page feature is now related to role permission Add Pages
  • In Page Management, the previous Page Status is now displayed when hovering over (i) icon of the page.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • CMS Static Pages have now the CK Editor enabled in the dynamic HTML textbox.
  • In the Story Editor, the user can create sub-stories by clicking on the Sub-Article icon at the top of the page, then click on the add icon (+) to add multiple sub-stories.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • CK Editor is updated to version 4.14.
  • When you order News Filters in News Module, this order will get reflected on the Story’s Left Panel.
  • In User Profile, List View 2 is added in Main Page Default View, so the user can set List View 2 as a default view.
  • Reverting Indesign Version is not logged in Page Logs.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • NewsPublish main menus ordering is changed to be more digital-centric
  • You can now duplicate Widgets that are of type Tabs.
  • Config enable_mandatory_cropping is added. If set to 1, then the user will not be able to deliver a story unless the first image in the story media is cropped. If set to 0, the user will be able to deliver a story without any restrictions on cropping.
  • In Archive Articles Management for web stories, the below options are added:
    • Ability to add article permalink directly when searching
    • Ability to copy/paste URL directly for article
    • Add rich text editor to the body field of article edit
    • Instead of Delete for the article, have an enable/disable button that will hide the article in the website but not delete it from the database.
  • In Users Efficiency Report, a field Created By is added to display the user who created the story.
  • Config show_page_name is added. If set to 1, then if a page has a page name set, this page name will get displayed on page drop down list in:
    • Publish Window
    • Page Tracker
    • Story Editor
    If set to 0, then the page name will not get displayed.
  • Config iptc_caption is added. If set to 1, then when attaching an image to a story, it will fill the data in the IPTC in the Caption field. If set to 0, then it will fill the file name in the Caption field.
  • Config show_article_name_on_list_view2 is added. If set to 1, the article name will be displayed in List View 2. If set to 0, the article title will be displayed in List View 2.
  • A new value for cms_enable_multi_section is added. If set to 2, the multi-section button Add More will get enabled and the country drop down list will be hidden, and keep the default value as International.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • A new feature added in order to restrict access on CMS static widgets based on section permissions. To activate this feature:
    • Go to Roles Management → Edit a Role → Activate permission Restrict Access on Static Widgets
    • Under each static widget on Page Layout there is a Access Control Section multi-selection list with all the sections
    • Choose the sections that you want to give access to. E.g. Section A, B and C
    • Save the Static Widget
    • In this case, only users with access to Section A, B and C can see the widget
  • In Freelancers Module, fields for Bonus, Salary and Budget Amount are added.
  • When deleting a widget from CMS Page Layout, if the widget has related widgets on other pages, a checkbox to confirm deleting all related widgets before proceeding with the deletion process.
  • In Archive-Delete Manager, under section Archive Articles and Files, a new value added Use Advanced Page Plan, when checked, the folders created for the archive in A7pro will be named after the Page Name set in Advanced Page Plan.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • An action Add Pages After this Page is added in actions list under the page thumbnail in Page Management. This feature is used to add pages after a specific page. E.g if you have page 3 and you want to add 2 pages after this page, you can select the action from page 3 actions list.
  • Config enable_mandatory_multi_sections is added. If set to 1, then the user will not be able to send a story unless he clicks on the Add More button to add a section and subsection. If set to 0, then the user will be able to send stories without adding a new section and subsection.
  • In the CK Editor, Headings 4, 5 and 6 are added.
  • In Stories Filters, under the Created By section, you can not exclude the current user.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config sync_fields_from_body is added. If set to 1, then the synchronise option will synchronise the text based on the paragraph styles and fill the content of each paragraph style in its respective text field. If set to 0, synchronise will work using the normal logic. In order to set the paragraph style, create a text file using:
    • starts_with.item: to point to a paragraph style
    • contains.item: to point to a word inside a paragraph style
    Let us consider you have fields byline (static), tag (custom field) and dateline (custom field), are all added inside the body box and not in separate boxes on Indesign, so as an example the text file contains the following:
    dateline.starts_with.item.1 = ""
    dateline.starts_with.item.2 = ""
    dateline.contains.item.1 = "Dateline"
    byline.starts_with.item.1 = ""
    byline.starts_with.item.2 = ""
    byline.contains.item.1 = "_writer"
    byline.contains.item.2 = "_byline"
    byline.contains.item.3 = "~byline"
    byline.contains.item.7 = "OS Opinion Letter Byline"
    byline.contains.item.8 = "OS Byline 1st"
    tag.starts_with.item.2 = ""
    tag.starts_with.item.3 = ""
    It means that whenever the synchronise detects a text with paragraph styles  or  or a paragraph style that contains word Dateline, then cut the text from the body and move it to Dateline field, hence when you edit the story after synchronisation, you will find the value in the Dateline field.
    Once the text file is ready, save it and then go to Administration → Configuration and Settings → Synchronise Tags Mapping, then upload the field and press Generate Tags.
    The values added will get displayed and then you can edit the tags from inside the page and press Update Tags.
    You will find checkboxes, Underline, Bold and Italic. If any of the boxes is checked then on synchronise the text will get formatted with Underline, Bold or Italic.
  • Synchronise option from inside the story editor is added. In the story editor action logs, Synchronise Article option is added. It is used to synchronise a story directly from the page content or from the parent story (in case it was duplicated from an article). It is used when we need to synchronise a specific story to avoid using the page validator, synchronise action or synchronise maintenance to avoid syncing all the articles on the page.
  • In NPressXT Styles, two variables are now added %jump_ppage% and %jump_cpage%. They are used to update the jump page numbers (Parent and Child) on indesign files. So if you create a box with a fetch type that has %jump_ppage%, and drag and drop the story to this box, then the plugin will refresh the parent page of the story. The same applies for a box with a fetch type containing %jump_cpage%, but it will update the child page of the story.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Option Exclude Static Articles is now added to the widget configuration when creating/editing a dynamic widget. This option is used to exclude a story from a dynamic widget if the story already appears in another widgets that you choose.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • A new option Update All Skip Images During Save in PI Preferences (Plugin Preference). It is used in case we need to disable updating images’ content when saving the indesign file in order to speed up the Update Content process.
  • In the Freelance Module, under the author’s dashboard, the following data is now displayed:
    • The total number of articles written by the author for all types.
    • The maximum number of articles that an author can write as per their contract.
  • In Track Ads, if the publication is using Advanced Page Plan, then the Page Label is displayed instead of the Page Number.
  • Users Efficiency Report will now also display the story’s Headline/Title.
  • In CMS Page Layout, the information icon (i) now displays the type of each widget and how many stories it can handle (limit).
  • In CMS Advanced Page Content, the number of attachments is added on each story.
  • Custom Fields are now displayed on story view.
  • You can now edit the author by clicking on the Author field at the top of the story editor.
  • Config dnd_body_multi_fields is added to be used when we activate the multi dragging of fields inside one body box. If set to 1, remove the whole line. If set to 2, Keep the line (and the paragraph with its styles), but keep it empty. If set to 3, Keep the line (and the paragraph with its styles), keep also the variable text
  • Snippets (Page Libraries) can now be filled by any text that resembles the box type of the article. Consider the following scenario:
    • Go to PI Pref:
      • Head and set the type as Title
      • Headline and set the type as Title
      • Deck and set the type as Subtitle
      • Caption and set the type as image caption
    • Then create snippets and fill the text box for example by Head or Headline instead of Title, and Deck instead of Subtitle, and Caption instead of image_caption
    • Then drag and drop the article into this snippet. It will consider the Head/Headline as a title, Deck as a subtitle and Caption as image_caption and fill then accordingly.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • List View 2 is a new story view in Stories and Media. This view has the following additional fields added:
    • Created By
    • Publish Time in case of a CMS story
    • Subsection field and the user has the ability to change the subsection value from view
  • In Author Management, you are now able to assign publications to authors, therefore when syncing authors between NewsPublish and CMS databases, authors only assigned to the CMS publication will get published on the website. In order to to Add/Remove publications:
    • Go to Authors Management
    • Check the authors needed
    • Click on Add to Publications (to add publications) or Remove from Publications (to remove publications)
    • Also you can edit each author by clicking on the edit icon (pen icon) and select/deselect the publications
  • Now macros manager for replacing text has become preset-based and you will be able to add multiple macros presets and then assign this preset in the publication manager. In this way we can create a macros preset for a group of publications. In order to create presets, go to Administration → Articles → Articles Management → Macros Manager. After adding presets, you can assign them to publications by going to Administration → Publication → Publication Manager.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Next Status button will get enabled in the story editor so the user would be able to deliver a story directly to the next status without setting a status from the drop down list and pressing Deliver. Inside the Add/Edit Article page, the Send to Next Status button will show if the user has access to the next status of the status selected in the status drop down list. E.g.:
    • Consider a user that has access to deliver articles to Status A, Status B and Status C but he does not have access to send articles to Status D
    • Status A has Status B as the next status
    • Status C has Status D as the next status
    • If the user opens an article with Status C, the Send to Next Status button will not show because the user does not have access to send to Status D.
    • If the user opens an article with Status A, the Send to Next Status will show because the user has access to send to Status B.
    • If the user opens an article with Status A, and then he manually changed the status to Status C and pressed save, then the Send to Next status button will get disabled.
    • In order to configure Next Status rules you have to set config enable_next_status = 1, then go to Administration → Articles → Article Status, then set the Next Status of each status. In case there is no Next Status for a specific status then keep the drop down list set to --Choose One--.
  • Copy Page to Publication action has been added under Page Management actions. You can use this feature to copy the page from one publication to another on the same date and page without using Copy and Load feature. A permission is added for this feature under Roles Management with the name of Copy Page to Publication.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Now in Templates page, the template name is displayed on each template.
  • You can now login to NewsPublish using your Google account. In order to activate this feature you have to create a Google Login API from the Admin panel:
    • Create a Google account for NewsPublish
    • Go to Administration → CMS Management → API Configuration
    • Add a new API of type Google Login
    • Fill the below credentials:
      • Name
      • Client Id (You can take it from the Google account)
      • Client Secret: (You can take it from the Google account)
      • Redirect URI: http://ValidDomainName/newspress/app/general/np_login.php
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • You can now order stories inside Page Tracker using article flag/type. To activate this feature:
    • Go to Administration → Articles → Articles Management → Article Flags
    • You can set the order of the flag using the Order field
    • In case you do not want to add an order for a flag/type, keep the value = 0
    • Now from the Page Tracker you can set the flag/type and it will reorder according to the ordering set
  • Copy from Word feature is now enabled without showing the popup and applying the paste action twice.
  • Dynamic/Custom fields are now listed on Paperless publish window and the user will be able to drag and drop their content on indesign files.
  • In Paperless Text Amendments, the user is now able to show/hide text on indesign by highlighting the text and clicking on the {{ }} button. In order to activate this option, you have to create a Conditional Text on the indesign page with the name nphiddentext.
  • In the Recent Images module, the colour mode (RGB/CMYK) will be displayed.
  • When uploading an Indesign template, the user is now able to set a Template Name.
  • On story duplicate, the default publication selected will be the default publication set in the user profile.
  • A new design, look and feel for compare story versions page.
  • Config default_page_preview_percentage is added. It is used to set the default percentage of page preview in Page Management.
  • Config ads_height_width_order is added. If set to 0, then Height field will be placed before the Width field in New Ad page. If set to 1, then Width field will be placed before Height field in New Ad page.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • News Module search now supports Turkish characters.
  • Config send_original_image is added. If set to 1, the original image will be sent via the CMS API. If set to 0, the CMS thumbnail generated via config nconvert_custom_cms_preview_params will be sent via CMS API.
  • Config prevent_save_on_name_duplicate is added. If set to 1, the system will prevent article name duplication, which means that it will prevent adding an article name that is already used for another article. If set to 0, duplication is permitted.
  • Config pm_swap_page_numbers_only is added. If set to 1, when swapping pages, the page number will get swapped but it will disable the feature of swapping pages across publication. If set to 0, then when swapping pages will occur on the level of page names, hence the page names will get swapped.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config archive_duplicate_image is added. If set to 1, then if you have a story with images and then this story is duplicated to another publications along with its images, then the archive job will archive all stories but the image will be archived once and all stories will be linked to this image (This applies only in case we are archiving the Original images). If set to 0, then each mage copy will be archived along with its related story.
  • If nconvert_custom_cms_preview_params is kept empty then the original image will be sent to the website.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • In standalone Publish Window, the user can now download the media attached to the story.
  • In Extractor, Write Logs checkbox is added in order to enable/disable writing story, image and page logs when an action is applied by the extractor on the page.
  • You can now set a homepage per country in CMS pages.
  • Config enable_article_thumbnail_image is added. If set to 1, Article Thumbnail Image checkbox will be enabled inside the story editor, so the user would be able to choose the image that will be set as the story’s thumbnail on the website. If 0, the checkbox will be disabled.
  • Config enable_image_exclude_from_gallery is added: if set to 1, Exclude from Gallery checkbox will be enabled inside the story editor, so the user would be able to exclude an image from the gallery. If 0, the checkbox will be disabled.
  • Config enable_lead_image is added. If set to 1, Lead Image checkbox will be enabled inside the story editor, so the user would be able to add a lead image for the story. If 0, the checkbox will be disabled.
  • A new story view is added in Stories and Media. List View 2 show the story’s headline (Title) instead of the story’s name.
  • When setting the publishing date of a CMS story, if the user clicks on Today it will set today’s date and the current time in HH:MM format.
  • On duplicating stories, the users are now able to map different dynamic fields between publications, so when the user duplicates a story the content of dynamic field X get filled automatically in dynamic field Y. To do this mapping:
    • Go to Administration → Articles → Articles Management → Manage Article Categories
    • The dynamic fields that you want to map them should have the same XML Name
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config enable_show_annotations_on_paperless. If set to 1, the user will be able to show annotation on text amendments. If set to 0, the annotations will not be displayed on text amendments.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config popup_similarity_on_all_publications is added. If set to 1, then the system will show you the similar stories from all publications. If set to 0, the system will show the similar stories from the publication you are sending the story to.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Compare versions new look and feel.
  • In Text Amendments you can now show the annotations added.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Slack Integration. You can now integrate with Slack to send messages to channels on stories and page actions. First of all, you have to create a new Slack API App:
    • Go to
    • Create new App
    • Select the App from the top left side
    • Under Features click to [Incoming Webhooks]
    • Then click on the Add new Webhook to workspace
    • Wait till the next page loads then select the channel you want to send messages to it then click allow
    • A new webhook url appear copy it and paste in the file configuration
    • Then you have to enable and configure slack in NewsPublish:
      • Go to Administration → Notification and Logs → Third party Integration Config
      • Enable "Activate Slack Notifications"
      • Build the message you want by adding the needed parameters
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • In CMS Pages, you can now set a page as the default home page per country.
  • In the Paperless Module, the user can find the annotations added on the page by clicking on the Search icon of each annotation and the page will scroll directly to it. This will help the users to find the annotations directly without checking each one added.
  • In Text Amendments module, the user will be able to show/hide annotations.
  • Subsection drop down list inside the story editor is now of type autocomplete.
  • A new cropping tool is now available in this release. You can now add multiple cropping sizes and set which of those sizes are going to be default ones. In order to add the sizes, you have to apply the following:
    • Go to Administration → Publication Manager
    • Beside each publication of type CMS you have the cropping size management icon.
    • Click on it, and start adding the sizes.
    • You can also edit existing sizes.
    • If you set a size as Default, then when accessing the cropping page, the size will be selected by default.
    • After that, go to any story of type CMS:
      • Upload images.
      • Under each image you have the Crop icon.
      • Click on it, then the cropping tool page will open.
      • From this page you can either auto select the size, manually select the size of the crop or move the cropping container.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • You can now geo-tag CMS menus by adding/removing countries from the menu.
  • Delete button is added inside the annotation popup, so instead of only deleting an annotation from the logs paperless panel, the user will click on the annotation and click on the delete button.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Under Archive Articles Management page, you can now search for stories on the website using the story ID, headline (title) and permalink.
  • Config inactivity_days is added. This is config is used to set the N days of the user's last login to deactivate the account. E.g. if the config is set to 10, then any user who did not access the system within the last 10 days, then the account will get deactivated.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • You can now set the task status whilst adding a new one.
  • In article media uploader, a new type of files named as Address is added to the list.
  • Type Drop Down List is added as a dynamic field type.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Publish Window search criteria can now be set from the user profile, the same as Stories and Media default search criteria. You can set the default criteria as Or, And, Exact and the default search in method as All, Title(Headline), Subtitle(Subhead), Byline, Body, ID or Name.
  • In Ad Manager API, two new fields are added:
    • ad_low_res: this variable is used to send the small preview of an ad.
    • ad_high_res: this variable is used to send the large preview of an ad.
  • You can now enable/disable 2FA for any user. This privilege is available for users of role administrator only.
  • You can now use config thumbnail_preview_size to set the width and/or height for CMS image previews. This config accepts the following values:
    • Width and height combined w:h, E.g. 1240:1240.
    • Width only, e.g. 1240:h. This means that the preview generation will rely on the width and the ratio will be calculated based on the width.
    • Height only, e.g. w:1240. This means that the preview generation will rely on the height and the ratio will be calculated based on the height.
    • The config also accepts a standalone digit, e.g. 1240. This means that the preview generation will detect the largest value between the width and the height and then resize it based on the digit added (in this case, it is 1240).
    • At last, if this config is left empty, the default value is 1000.
  • Config enable_zoom_in_TA is added. If set to 1, then the automatic zoom on the preview of the page will be enabled, which means that if you click on any text box in Text Amendments, then the preview of the page will automatically zoom in to the text itself. If set to 0, this option will be disabled and the user will still see the full page preview.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • An admin page to control what to turn on and off when CMS API is syncing:
    • Articles and Media
    • Authors
    • Menu
    • Menu Items
    • Pages
    • Bootstrap Grid
    • Widgets
    • Static Widgets Contents
    • Sections
    • Subsections
    • Header Footer Script
    • SEO Tags
    • CMS Brands
  • You can now search for Events by accessing Search Events page. A permission is added for this page in Roles Management.
  • An admin Page to set the allowed/disallowed content configuration when adding content into CKEditor. To access this page, go to Administration → Articles → Rich Editor Config. This feature works as the following:
    • A radio button to enable either allow or disallow configs.
    • If you choose to allow radio button, then you have to add only the allowed content/tags. E.g. if you add strong, then if you add a text with tags strong, h1 and h2, only tag strong will be kept in the text.
    • If you choose to disallow radio button, then you have to add only the disallowed content/tags. E.g. if you add strong, then if you add a text with tags strong, h1 and h2, only tags h1 and h2 will be kept in the text.
    • The story editor in all articles will function based on the radio button chosen.
  • An additional option in story Page for Image Alignment to have Left and Right Alignment for images. To make use of this feature:
    • Images are uploaded to the story using the uploader.
    • Next to every image in the bottom of CMS story page, there will be an icon to copy the image URL.
    • From the CKEditor in the story body, click on the “Image Properties” and paste the image URL then chose the alignment from the Alignment dropdown and save.
  • Config disable_updating_modification_date is added. If set to 1, then if the user changes the story status from the story's thumbnail in stories and media, so the modification date will not get updated. if set to 0, the modification date will get updated.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • When exporting XMLs for a publication of type SMS, two XMLs are being generated one for DIGI and the other is for MAXIS.
  • If users neither have access on the section nor Allow Sending to All Sections privilege, then they will not be able to change the story’s section from the story thumbnail/view.
  • In Administration → Articles → Articles Management → Manage Articles Categories, all the static fields that are available inside the web/cms editor are listed, but neither can be edited nor deleted. In addition to that, this page already lists the dynamic fields. So now, you will be able to reorder not only the dynamic fields, but also the static fields by using the Ordering field.
  • In Brand Management module, the following new fields are added:
    • UTM Campaign: is a text field that works on the Brand Name Level, so setting any value will be added to the Brand Name.
    • UTM Source: it is a multiple checkbox list, so the user will be able to choose multiple values. It works on the Brand Name Level, so setting any value will be added to the Brand Name. The values are:
      • mothomepage
      • Rosnawidget
      • Secpmnewslisting
      • Spacrosstsol
      • Wpeditorspick
      • Wpheropanel
      • Wpmnewslisting
      • Wpnawidget
  • PI Pref Event onload refresh ciner is removed.
  • Let us consider you have 3 stories:
    • Type 1: Sections assigned: S1 + S2
    • Type 2: Sections assigned: only S1
    • Type 3: Sections assigned: only S2
    • To display the stories:
      • Create/Edit story filter
    • Go to publications and sections
    • Choose both sections Houston and Nashville
    • Now you have the ability to choose either And or Or from the radio button
    • If you choose And, the filter will only display stories of type 1 (S1 + S2)
    • If you choose Or, the filter will display all stories that have either S1 or S2 or both sections assigned to it, therefore it will show stories of type 1, 2 and 3.
  • When you create/edit a filter, under the Date Range, you will have a new option which is Current Week. This criterion, will fetch for stories with a printing/publishing date assigned within the week itself.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Internal Publish Window that is opened from Indesign, now works when 2FA is enabled.
  • Date validation is added on brand’s From/To calendars inside the story editor.
  • Choosing a value for Brand Name drop down list inside the story editor is now compulsory when it is set as Basic.
  • Choosing a value for Brand Name and Submenu drop down list inside the story editor is now compulsory when it is set as Basic.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • In Recent Images, searching for an image by ID is now included.
  • Config cms_enable_article_widget is added. If set to 1, then article widget container in the story editor will be enabled in order to choose a widget for a story from the editor. If set to 0, this option will be disabled.
  • Config dynamic_fields_location is added. If set to 1, then the dynamic fields will be listed above the static fields (Title, Subtitle, Byline and Body). If set to 2, the dynamic fields will be listed under the static fields.
  • In Manage Article Categories, where we manage the dynamic fields, you are able to add nested fields of any type (Date, Text, Calendars...etc) and link them to a radio button selection.
  • In Manage Article Categories page, where we manage the dynamic fields, a new field Size is added to control the width of any dynamic field. The width that it will reserve in the story editor. The values that will be used are:
    • 25: means that the field will be displayed on 25% of the page’s width.
    • 33: means that the field will be displayed on 33% of the page’s width.
    • 50: means that the field will be displayed on 50% of the page’s width.
    • 100: means that the field will be displayed on 100% of the page’s width.
  • In Paperless module, when the user presses on show deleted to display the deleted logs, it will first list the deleted logs then show the rest of the logs, sorted by creation date.
  • Story editor’s look and feel enhancements.
  • Third party tool licence page: can be accessed from About page.
  • When deleting an indesign file from Page Management, the deleted file will be added to indesign versions list, so if the user deleted the file by mistake he would be able to restore it.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • My Sent Images filter has now all actions that are used inside My Recent Images module.
  • In order to optimise the speed and performance of the article editor page, the dynamic fields of type autocomplete, the results will start displaying when typing the first two characters instead of loading the results when typing the first character.
  • Config enable_cxense is added. If set to 1, the CMS API will send cxense requests for brand safety based on keywords, in order to show ads that will not get negatively affected by the article. For example, if you have a story about a Car Accident, then automobile ads will not get displayed on the story’s page. If set to 0, no cxense requests will be sent.
  • Config pw_search_without_date is added. If set to 1, it will skip the issue date chosen and search within the range assigned in config quicksearch_days_back. if set to 0, it will search inside the issue date set.
  • When adding a synchronise maintenance, you have now the option to choose dates Olden Than N Days.
  • Brands Management module is added. This module is used to manage brands and assign them to stories. In this way you can label stories as branded ones to be used as a type of advertising. To enable this module, go to roles management and you will find a permission for it. In order to add brands, follow the below steps:
    • Under CMS menu, you have Brands Management link.
    • You have two fields:
      • Brand Name which is compulsory.
      • Brand submenu, in case you have sub brands.
    • After adding them, you will see the brands and their respective sub brands are displayed as menu and submenus.
    • In case you want to edit/delete any item, click on it and choose the needed action.
    • After adding the brands, you have to create a dynamic field from Articles Management of type Brand.
    • When this field is added, you will find it inside the story editor. You will see two radio buttons (Yes/No):
      • Yes, in order to label the article as branded and it will display additional fields to be filled:
        • Start and End date of keeping the story labeled as branded.
        • Basic or Premium. If Basic is chosen you will be able to choose a Brand Name. If Premium is chosen you will be able to choose a Brand Name and a Sub Brand.
  • After uploading an image to a story, a checkbox image thumbnail is added. If the checkbox is ticked then when publishing a story on the CMS, it will take the thumbnail of this image as the default story thumbnail on the website.
  • Under Authors Management/Columnists, a checkbox Show Column is added beside each column name. If checked, then the column will be displayed on the website under columns drop down list and if it is unchecked, the column will be removed from the list.
  • Under Authors Management/Columnists, a checkbox Show Author is added beside each column name. If checked, then the columns under the columns drop down list will be displayed using the following pattern Column Name(Author Name). If unchecked then only the Column Name will be displayed.
  • In SEO/Topic Module, if you edit any item, a checkbox Activate Topic/SEO is added. Its value is sent to the CMS using the JSON file.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Permalink support. The story’s website permalink will be displayed in a field inside the story editor. The field can be edited.
  • Nested dynamic fields. An option to add related dynamic fields using radio buttons, so you would be able to activate(show) or deactivate(hide) options based on the selection of the radio buttons.
  • The ability to manage columnists. To enable this feature you have to turn on config columnist_enabled. If set to 1, the columnist module will be enabled, if set to 0, the columnist module will be disabled. Once enabled, you have to add the column names for the author:
    • Go to Administration → Users → Authors Management
    • Edit an author
    • Check Columnist checkbox
    • It will enable the option to add columns' names
    • After adding the column names, press Save
    • After that, you have to add the columnists dynamic field inside the story editor. Follow the below steps to add it:
      • Go to Administration → Articles → Articles Management
      • Choose Manage Article Categories
      • Add a new field and choose its type as Author Column
    • After applying all the above steps, when creating a new story and choosing the author, a drop down list of the author’s columns will be enabled.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config enable_seo_in_menu_list is added. When set to 1, it will show the field to choose a Topic/SEO tag for the menu in CMS Menu List. If set to 0, the option will be disabled.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config seo_tags_hide_fields is now added to activate/deactivate SEO/Tags Module Fields. Add the fields that you need to hide in the config by using the following values separated with commas:
    • name
    • normalized_name
    • number_of_occurencies
    • website_tag
    • first_use
    • last_use
    • is_activated
  • In roles management, permission is added to enable/disable the access on SEO/Tags Module.
  • In roles management, permission is added to enable/disable the access to edit the Normalised SEO/Topic Name.
  • You can use now the Validator to Synchronise/Validate the dynamic fields.
  • Dynamic fields are now archived to A7pro.
  • My Sent Images filter is now added and it will display the images that are Reserved/Delivered by the user. To enable/disable this filter, you can use its permission inside Roles Management.
  • Add Author button, is now displayed beside the Byline label.
  • In Page Logs, now we are displaying the actions that triggered the change status. For example, if the page status was changed from the popup, extractor, synchronisation...etc.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Inside the Story Editor, if the Text Editor is enabled, the following shortcuts are added:
    • CTRL+B: for Bold text
    • CTRL+U: for Underlined text
    • CTRL+I: for Italic text
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config send_email_on_admin_login is added. If set to 1, once a user under role administrator logins to the system, an email will be sent to Layout International. If 0, no emails will be sent.
  • You can now delete a widget style.
  • A notification script that sends an email mentioning the news agencies or email accounts that are idle for the last 30 minutes.
  • You can now add an Article Category/Dynamic Field of type radio button.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config reset_article_assignee_on is added. If the value is set to checkout, the Assigned To field in the story will reset when reserving the story. If the value is kept empty, the Assigned To field will not reset.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Now you can use Copy From Word feature on dynamic fields inside the story editor.
  • Article Similarities pop will display the Article Name which is the value added inside the Article Name fields regardless if the value is text or the article’s ID.
  • A new module to edit SEO Tags.
  • In Page Editor an (i) is added to show the pages’ details.
  • In Page Editor, you are now able to download the indesign file.
  • In Page Editor, you are now able to open the annotations directly by clicking on the annotations/comments counter.
  • The CKEditor is now upgraded to version 4.
  • Config ciner_allowed_ip_range is added. This config is used in case you want to restrict the access of the plugin on specific IP’s. If you want to open it to all IP’s just use In case you want to restrict it to an IP range, use for example 172.18.
  • In admin panel, an icon is now added to show the 2FA status of each user. If 2FA is not enabled, then the icon colour will be Red. If 2FA is enabled but not activated, the icon colour will be Yellow. If 2FA is enabled and activated, the icon colour will be Green.
  • An article category of type Date can now be added inside the article. When added, the user would be able to choose a date from the calendar.
  • Config mp_results_per_page is added. It is used to set the limit number of articles displayed on each page inside Article Social Sharing page. For example, if set to 100, it will display 100 articles and then jump to the next page.
  • In Article Social Sharing page, you are now able to sort the articles by date or headline (title).
  • Instant quick search to narrow down the search is added inside Article Social Sharing page.
  • Images will now dragged and placed on the page, based on the image ordering set from the Story Editor.
  • If a sub-article is created, an icon on Publish Window will be displayed beside the sub-article to differentiate between articles and sub-articles.
  • Config keep_article_flag_on_duplicate is added. If set to 1, when duplicating a story, the story flag will be maintained on the new story. If set to 0, the story flag will not be added to the new story.
  • When a user does not access the system for more than 15 days, his account will be disabled due to inactivity. To activate the access:
    • Go to Admin Panel
    • Users Management
    • Scroll down to the user in the list
    • Click on the renew button (Grey Check icon)
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • When a user reserves a story from Text Amendments, the story boxes will be locked on the indesign file until the user delivers the story.
  • Story Logs: to have detailed and simple view for the logs to hide/show auto save.
    • The Simple logs will display the following actions:article published to cms
      • change story flag
      • change issue date
      • change page
      • change publication
      • change publication from main page
      • change section
      • change status
      • checkin/deliver
      • checkout/reserve
      • create new story
      • Duplicate story
      • edit author
      • link image to article
      • save
      • unlink image from article
    • The Advanced logs will display all logs including the above list.
  • In CMS clean text macros, when clicking on the Replace Text button it will replace <br> tag with <p> tag.
  • Indesign Versions: the user will be able now to see the indesign versions along with the thumbnail and preview. In addition to that, the user will be able to restore any version.
  • In Page Tracker, Page 0 will be minimised by default.
  • NewsPublish is now supporting the integration with Indesign Server 6.
  • The ability to view the story on Page Tracker in a separate pane.
  • The user can now access the Text Amendments directly from Page Tracker by clicking on the (T) icon.
  • The ability to add Header and Footer scripts on the CMS. You can find it under CMS menu.
  • You have now the ability to comment a text by adding it between {{}}. This text will not be placed on the indesign file when you drag and drop the story. For Example: {{a text to be commented}}
  • After duplicating a story, a log is added on both the original and the duplicate story that shows the story ID duplicated To/From.
  • In Page Management, when doing a mouseover on an Ad on a page thumbnail, the below PLA Ad details will be displayed:
    • 11 Digit Material Number
    • Client Name
    • Code Placement will be displayed as ROP
    • Special Description
    • Colour: will be displayed as M or C
    • Ad Size Height and Width in cm
  • The Issue/Publication date is now placed before the Page Number inside the Print Story Editor.
  • In case of high traffic on the network, the Low Resolution Preview will be activated in order to load the high resolution page preview gradually on Paperless/DTP module, instead of sending the High Res Preview directly.
  • In case of exporting XML’s in DC-X tagging format, for all tag in article.xml, graphics.xml, picture.xml, the value will be added in the format of NNN_pubinitials_DDMMYYYY_DLY
  • You can now change the image status on Relink Action per publication/channel. To add this rule, you have to go to Newspress Rules in the admin panel.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • You can now access the page directly from Page Management to Page Tracker. Under the page's thumbnail on Page Management you can find in the list an option to redirect you to the page tracker.
  • The ability to download the indesign page from Page Tracker.
  • The ability to search by story name in Stories and Media.
  • Config maintain_indesign_versions is added. If set to 1, then the system will keep the versions of the indesign files. If set to 0, the system will not keep any versions. If enabled, you can find the option listed on the page's drop down list from Page Management.
  • The ability to open Page Editor directly from Page Tracker.
  • On CMS Advanced Page Content, a save button is now added to submit the stories ordering.
  • A new case is added to config assign_template_number. If set to 2, then when assigning a template, NewsPublish will display the Odd or Even pages as per the page number. If set to 1, then when assigning a template, NewsPublish will display the templates that have the same page number and section as the page we are assigning the template to. For example, if we are choose assign template for page 4, then only templates uploaded for page 4 will be displayed. If set to 0, then when assigning a template, the system will show the templates that have the same section regardless of the page number (the old logic). Then is set to 2, the Odd and Even option when uploading, editing and assigning a template.
  • From the Publication Manager, you are now able to disable/enable “Update Article Issue Date” option on CMS publications.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Image Description is now displayed on Recent Media page.
  • Page number is now displayed under each image on Recent Media page.
  • A yellow icon is added to the Page Validator/Paperless Module in order to differentiate between the page that is added directly on the plan and the page that is added by using the Copy and Load action from another plan.
  • You can now swap pages between to different channels/publications and/or publishing dates.
  • All text amendments features and actions are now placed under one page in order to control them from one panel.
  • Mobile Version now has the quick search field.
  • View Article action is now added to the publish window.
  • Config assign_template_number is added. If set to 1, then when assigning a template, NewsPublish will display the templates that have the same page number and section as the page we are assigning the template to. For example, if we are choose assign template for page 4, then only templates uploaded for page 4 will be displayed. If set to 0, then when assigning a template, the system will show the templates that have the same section regardless of the page number (the old logic).
  • You can now add a broadcast message to be displayed on NewsPublish for a specific date and time. The message is added from the admin panel.
  • Config invert_editor_colors is added. If set to 1, then it will enable the ability to choose between a black or white background in the story editor. If set to 0, the story editor's background will be white.
  • Config keep_page_reserved_on_status_change is added. If set to 1, then if the user changes the status of the page from the Change Status action under the page's thumbnail, the page will stay reserved by the user who is reserving it. If set to 0, then after changing the page status, the page will be delivered and the reservation will be removed.
  • Config cms_publish_xml is added. If the value set to site_core, then the images will be sent to the website in a binary mode via the API. If the value kept empty, then it will work as it is usually working.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Sort by Page feature is now added to the Page Tracker.
  • Caption field is added to the story editor on the Mobile version.
  • The ability to upload Podcast files by adding the URL in the uploader after choosing Podcast type from the drop down list.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config show_article_name_on_list_view is added. When set to 1, it will display the Article Name value (ID or Text) on list view. If set to 0, it will display the title.
  • Publish Window default search criteria is linked to the criterion set from the user’s profile.
  • In case of spread pages, the plugin will now load the correct page number for left and right pages. In case the first page is P the page number will be filled by P and the second page will have P+1 filled as the page number. To enable this feature:
    • Go to PI Preferences
    • Add a new tag NAME: NEXT_PAGE, Type: dynamic_text, translation: Next page
    • Submit
    • Then go to NPressXT Styles
    • Fill NEXT_PAGE field with either %next_p% or %next_P%
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • A config copy_from_word is added to enable/disable the Copy from Word feature on the story editor and text amendments module. If set to 0, the Copy from Word will be disabled on both the story editor and text amendments module. If set to 1, the Copy from Word feature will be enabled on the story editor. If set to 2, the Copy from Word feature will be enabled on text amendments module. If set to 3, the Copy from Word feature will be enabled on both the story editor and text amendments module.
  • Text Amendments Overflow Indicator checkbox is added to Text Amendment admin panel to enable/disable the overflow indicator i text amendments module. In order to enable/disable this feature you should set config tamc_bullet = 1.
  • If config text_amendment_popup = 0 then you have the ability expand the text amendment box from the left panel.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • NewsPublish now supports the Inside and Outside Indesign margins by adding Follow Page Parity checkbox in Document Size Presets page.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • When accessing Track Ads page, the Date Published will be chosen by default.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • NewsPublish is now integrated with Google Analytics to pull data and show them in charts.
  • CMS has now logs on all actions related to Add, Delete, Edit widgets, pages, menus, menu items and articles.
  • Added the ability to filter stories by status in Stories and Media page beside filtering by Publication, Page, Section and Issue Date.
  • The user can now edit the Page Library's details.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • We are now able to schedule a Facebook and Twitter story by date and time.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config show_articles_for_allowed_sections_in_annotations is added. When set to 0, the system will not show the stories in annotations that are not related to the section, so when the user wants to assign an story he will only see the articles related to his sections. If set to 1, then all stories assigned to this page will show in the annotations list.
  • When we create a story filter, we are able now to assign a role and users for fields Creator, Checkout and Assigned To.
  • Set Page Name feature is now added under each page thumbnail on Page Management. The user is now able to set a description or a name for the page.
  • A video player is now added to play videos attached to stories.
  • Archive-Delete Manager has now the feature to delete linked images without deleting the story.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Sent_articles_filter_section_independent config is added. If set to 1, then My Sent Articles filter will show all the stories sent by the user regardless of the section, if set to 0, then the user will see only the stories sent by him and with the sections he has access to. If set to 1 you should also set config use_new_my_sent_articles_logic to 1.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Spell checker is now added on the FCK Editor.
  • Save as Maquette action now saves the page deadline if assigned to a page.
  • Auto Update Boxes Every preference is now added to PI Preferences where you can set the number of seconds for NewsPublish Plugin to update the indesign boxes when the indesign file is opened.
  • Export Preview Every is now added to PI Preferences where you can set the number of seconds for NewsPublish Plugin to export a new preview when the indesign file is opened.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • You can now assign different document sizes on different pages on the same plan by choosing the assign document preset action under the page's actions list.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • In stories filters, under Stories Creator, Checkout and Assigned To fields, you can now choose a role to show results for.
  • A new design for Recent Images/Media page.
  • You can now search for snippets/page libraries from inside the publish window.
  • In Paperless Text Amendments, a drop down list is added that contains all frequently used symbols.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • The user can now select a page library when assigning a story from the Paperless module, so when you place the story on indesign, it will take the page library’s style.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • The ability to add comments on the story’s body text by highlighting the text needed and inserting the comments.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • You can now change the reservation mode on Paperless Text Amendments from the page level to the story level. Instead of reserving the whole page when accessing it from Text Amendments and confining the work by one user , you can now reserve only the story needed so multiple users can work on the same page each on a different article.
  • The users are now able to choose what to display from stories or news filters. Regardless of the permissions they have on filters, they can turn on/off the filters they need to display.
  • The users are now able to reorder stories and news filters.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Custom text fields are now added to the story editor where the user can add use extra text fields for the story and those fields can be dragged and dropped from the publish window on Indesign.
  • The publish window is accessible now from inside Indesign using the plugin.
  • In macros manager, you can now choose if the replace text feature is case sensitive/insensitive for every phrase. This is used for English phrases to choose ignoring capital/small letters when replacing the text.
  • In News Module, whilst viewing the news, you can now close the preview by clicking on the ESC key.
  • The ability to scroll and move between news items in News Module using the keyboard arrows.
  • Exclude words feature is now added in News Module filters and advanced search. The News Module will then not show any item that contains the excluded.
  • In Paperless Text Amendments, you can now highlight the text and the system will show you the number of words and characters selected.
  • Config paperless_refresh_interval is added to set the interval in seconds in order to refresh the page preview in paperless every X seconds.
  • A toolbar is added to the publish window that contains the following features:
    • Assign a page library to a story in order to DnD the story on the page with its assigned page library.
    • The ability to DnD a story without using a page library.
    • Gun tool for text, where you can DnD each story text box separately on indesign and place it inside any predefined text box.
    • Gun tool for images, where you can DnD each story image separately on indesign and place it inside any predefined image box.
    • Story's Parent and Child links where you can use this feature to DnD the same story on different pages and NewsPublish will sync the start and end of each text box between pages.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config open_news_module_mode is added. If set to 1, the News Module will open in a new separate window. If set to 0, News Module will open in a new tab.
  • Config open_news_module_filter_basket_mode is added. If set to 1, if you click on a News Basket or Filter to open it separately then it will open in a new separate window. If set to 0, it will open in a new tab.
  • When creating a new user, My Sent Articles filter will get a default value of Tomorrow Onwards. After that, the user is free to choose the value that he wants.
  • The ability to bulk set a default article and news filter to a group of users from Bulk Users Management.
  • Download News Images permission in roles management is added to Allow/Disallow downloading news images from News Module.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • In Extractor, a feature to extract PDF’s from one channel to another is now added. You will be able to extract the missing PDF’s on channel A from channel B if existed.
  • You can now synchronise articles, images and pages older than N days from the synchronize maintenance.
  • Page Status Change email notification feature for the user to get notified by email when a page status is changed to a specific status. To activate this feature, apply the following:
    • The ability to publish a CMS story on website directly from the story’s page by bypassing the script. A publish icon is added to force publish the story.
    • The dashboard is configurable from the admin panel where you can add multiple dashboards for stories, images, ads, authors, news...etc.
    • The ability to edit the CSS file directly from NewsPublish by going to the admin panel, under CMS Management you can find the CSS Editor.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • In Extractor, a feature to extract PDF’s from one channel to another is now added. You will be able to extract the missing PDF’s on channel A from channel B if existed.
  • You can now synchronise articles, images and pages older than N days from the synchronize maintenance.
  • Page Status Change email notification feature for the user to get notified by email when a page status is changed to a specific status. To activate this feature, apply the following:
    • Add SMTP settings are added from the admin panel.
    • Add users to a group from groups management.
    • Those users must have the email address added to their profile.
    • Add a rule from NewsPublish rules to send an email to this group when page status is change to Status A.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • If issue number is enabled on the publication, then the archive process will create a folder named after the issue number value. The path is going to be as the following, YYYY/MM/DD/ISSUE_NUMBER.
  • Subsection is added as a search criterion in the advanced search and story filter. You are now able to apply an advanced search or add a story filter using the Subsection.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Config update_article_categories is added. if set to 1, show all articles in annotation with the same channel/publication and publishing date regardless of their page number. If set to 0, the annotations will only show the articles related to the page number.
  • Config update_article_categories is added. If set to 1, on article duplicate, the article categories will also get updated and duplicated. If set to 0, the article categories will not be updated on the new article.
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • The archiving path for PDF’s and Indesign files are now customisable and can be set from the Archive-Delete Manager
  • You can set now a stories filter to show results from today’s date and onwards
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • If config cms_enable_multi_section is set to 1, the Country and Subsection criteria is added to the article filter when editing or creating a filter
  • When assigning a task to a user, an email will be sent to this user mentioning the task’s details
  • After removing an image from a story, a relink option is now there to relink the image again
  • A system rule is added to assign a status to an unlinked image after relinking it to the article
  • display_ip config is added. If set to 1, the user’s IP will be displayed on the page footer. If set to 0, the IP will be hidden
Release Notes - PRO. NewsPublish - Version
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements
  • Security enhancements

What's New

  • Disable Lock Ad feature is added to the publication manager. This feature is used to disable locking old ads and the ability to edit them.
  • The ability to choose between Desktop, Mobile and Tablet when you need to view the article website interface before publishing
  • From roles management, you can now set users to access the administration panel for CMS related administrative options
Copyright 2018 Integration Department